
working at a strawberry farm


アルバニーに来ています。10th day in Australia, today.I'm here in Albany.

いちご農園で働くこと、4日目。ハンドサイム・ストロベリーという農園で働いています。This is 4th day of working at strawberry farm.I'm working at “HANDASYDE STRAWBERRIES”http://www.handasydestrawberries.com.au/

This farm pays as commision system.They count the numbers of not packages but tray.The size of the tray is about 30cm×40cm×7cm, I think...

これまでの三日間では、ピッキングは1.6から1.8ドルの間、パッキングは0.9ドルでの変動なし、という感じでした。膝丈よりも低いところにあるいちごを狩るというのは大変です。The minimum rate for picking is AUS$1 and packing is AUS$0.7.This rate is fixed byhow many hours we work”× “how much we picked and packed”
In those 3 days of working, the rate wasfor picking from AUS$1.6 to 1.8 / treyfor packing was AUS$0.9 / treyIt is really hard to pick strawberries which grow below our knees!

お給料のことを考えると、悲しくなっちゃうけれど、いい経験だと思って頑張っています。ここまで来たので、1ヶ月は耐えようと思ってます!ちなみに、全体の中でも恐らく成績が良いであろう私の日給は、平均してだいたい80ドルくらいというところでしょうか。This is my first experiance working at farm,
and didn't expected this hard...
I become sad when I think of my payment,I think this is a good experience and do my best.I guess I'm doing well in all of the workers here,and I think my average payment for a day is around AUS$80...

200ドル払わなければならなかったけれど、すぐに仕事を始められるということで、決めました。ちなみに、エージェンシーは、Perth Working Holiday & Tour というところ。Barrackストリート371Fにあります。I found this work through an agency for working holiday.I had to pay AUS$200, but I could start working soon,I decided to pay that ammount of money...This agency is called “Perth Working Holiday & Tour”and located in 1st floor 37 Barrack Street in Perth.

この農園のHPもあって、そこに求人もあって、そこから申し込めばもちろん無料だったんですけどね。そのHPを見つけることができなかったからしょうがないとも思っています。。。Since I've arrived in Australia(Perth)3rd day: went to agency and heard about this work4th day: paticipated a seminer for this work and paid AUS$2005th day: moved to Albany from Perth7th day: started workingI think I can value AUS$200 for the result which made everything goes so smoothly...If I could find the homepage of this place,I could've apply through that and didn't have to pay,but I didn't know the existance of the homepagenor couldn't find the homepage, oh well...

111ドルで滞在できます!4ヶ月目からは1週間35ドルになるそうですけどね。男女別もしくは、カップル用の2人部屋。キッチンはちょっと狭いけれど、使えるのでよし。あんまりにも汚かったので、今日、大掃除しました。。。I can stay at the room which the employer owns.11 dollers per a day.I've heard from 4th month only AUS$35 per a week.The room is twin separated male and female or for couple.The kitchen is bit small for all of us,
but at least we can use and I think it is good enough.
But it was sooo dirty and I cleaned it today...

終了時間はまちまちで、遅いときは夕方5時くらい、今日はすごく早く、1時半には終了しました。We start working at 7 in the morning.Finishing time depends on the day and latest was around 5pm,but we finished working around 1:30pm today.

仕事終了後は、宿にあるビリヤードや、卓球をしたり、料理をしたり、みんなまちまちに時間を楽しんでいる感じです。私もようやく、旅での写真の整理などをする時間ができた感じです。これまでのブログも少しずつアップしますね!We enjoy our time individually after working even though there are nothing around this farm.There is a table tennis and a pool table in where we stay and we can play.For me, finally I have time for organizing the pictures from travelling and so on.I will update my blog from travelling little by little!

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